Recommended by Health Professionals. Featured in the National Institute of Integrative Medicine Gut Study

Bone Broth Superfood Lattes

If you are ready to take your coffee to the next level we’ve got some tasty Lattes for you to try.

Bone broth is a major health and beauty booster so why not whip up a stepped up version of the inflammation fighting super drink with these superfood lattes.

Here are some of our favourite combinations to inspire you to  swap your morning coffee for. It’s as easy as adding hot water to the bone broth and topping up with your favourite milk frothy milk, we've used coconut milk in these recipes. You can intensify the flavours by simmering in a saucepan for 2–3 minutes before blending until frothy and well combined. Then Serve & Enjoy.

Turmeric Bone Broth Latte with Coconut Oil

1 tsp Naked Bone Broth
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 pinch of sea salt and black pepper
1 Tbsp coconut oil 

1/2 cup of coconut milk

1/2 cup of hot water

Adding black pepper and healthy fats such as coconut oil helps improve the bioavailability of the curcumin, the active component of turmeric. Curcumin is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Mushroom, Coconut Milk Bone Broth Latte

1 teaspoon per cup of Immunity plus Bone Broth powder

1 pinch of sea salt

1 pinch of nutmeg

1 pinch of black pepper

½ cup water hot water

1/2 cup coconut milk


Turmeric, Bone Broth Latte with Five Spice

1 tsp of Naked Bone Broth

 ¼ tsp turmeric powder 

 Pinch of black pepper

 Pinch of Chinese five spice

½ cup water hot water

1/2 cup coconut milk


Minty Cacao Bone Broth Latte

1 teaspoon of Naked bone broth powder

1-2 drops of peppermint oil 

1 Pinch of sea salt

½ teaspoon of honey

 1 teaspoon of raw cacao powder

½ cup of coconut milk

½ cup of water


Beetroot and Cacao Bone Broth Latte

1 tsp performance Boost Bone Broth Powder

1 tsp raw cacao powder

1 pinch cinnamon powder

½ cup of coconut milk

½ cup of water

Sweetener like honey or monkfruit to taste


Bone Broth and Cacao Bone Broth Latte with Chilli

1 tsp raw cacao powder

1 tsp bonebroth powder

1 pinch of chilli

1 pinch of cinnamon



Matcha, Vanilla and Coconut Bone Broth Latte

1 tspn of match

1 tsp of Naked Bone Broth

1 tsp of maple syrup

Vanilla essence

½ cup of coconut milk

½ cup of water




Orange and Turmeric Bone Broth Latte

½ a tsp of turmeric

1 tsp of naked bone broth

Zest of orange (peel)

1 cardamom pod

Pinch of black pepper

1 teaspoon of honey

½ cup of coconut milk

½ cup of water



Beetroot & Ginger  Bone Broth Latte

1 tsp of Performance Boost Bone Broth with Beetroot

Pinch of cinnamon

¼ tsp Ginger

½ cup of coconut milk

½ cup of water